From drab to dramatic: every home needs an oak porch

Let us be honest. There are many things to love about the UK, but the stylishness of our homes is not always one of them- on the outside, at least! If you would like to jazz up the face of your home, but are daunted by the idea of long construction times, delays and the sheer logistics of altering your building, then look no further! Oak Porches UK, our proud new sister-site, has the perfect solution for you. Trendy, stylish, welcoming – the list goes on! Let us take a closer look.

Why choose oak?

As a Monarch Oak fan already, we probably do not need to tell you this one! But oak is a delight for the eye. There is a reason it is a heritage building material- it is one of the few woods worldwide that get denser and stronger as they dry out, making them the perfect building material to withstand the rigours of age and time. From the largest Cathedral to, yes, your front porch, oak has a history as a mold-resistant, bug-repelling construction material that only looks better as it ages.

But oak is also as beautiful as it is practical. Not only can you tailor wood structures to a huge range of tastes- just look at the variety below- but there is also a warmth and vibrancy to wood that cannot be matched with stone. Imagine the beauty of rain-splashed oak, especially when put alongside the dull darkness of wet concrete and brick. Enhancing your home with oak structures is a simple, cost-effective way to improve its look and make it feel more welcoming, all in one.

Does my home really need an oak porch?

All the same, you may be wondering if an oak porch, rather than any other oak structure, is right for you. There is a charming practicality to the oak porch, especially in our soggy climate. Stow your muddy boots, keep a towel and brush on hand for the dogs, and ditch the shopping before you put it away. Stay dry and warm as you watch the rain tinkle into the garden. A porch provides the home with a much-needed transition zone between outside and inside living, giving a sense of connection between your garden and home, but keeping everything warm, dry and comforting indoors.

Your oak porch blends your home into its surroundings, with a warming, natural look that matches almost any environment. Enliven and brighten 60s concrete, or seamlessly blend with a country home; it does not matter. It also has the distinct benefit of being natural, eco-friendly and fully sustainable while remaining beautiful to look at..

Carrying forward the Monarch Oak difference

If you have decided a delightful oak porch is in the future for your home, it is time to get planning! Our new sister site specialist oak porch supplier, Oak Porches UK, has everything you could possibly want to set the ball rolling. They will even install it for you if oak porch kits seem to scary to tackle DIY.

They currently have 9 classic and modern designs available to you, so there is sure to be the perfect match.

  1. Balustrade, full-height A post-and-saddle-stone porch with classic looks, balustrades and a pitch-style roof.
  2. The classic full-height porch A more enclosed, classic style that is flexible and versatile. A pitched tile roof is perfect for UK weather.
  3. Brick plinth with mullion A traditional farmhouse oak porch that will add rustic charm to any building.
  4. Low brick plinth This design is perfect for those who would like to be able to customise their oak porch with hedges, balustrades or any look you love.
  5. Wall-mounted porches Want the looks of an oak porch, but have space or building restrictions? This could be the perfect combo for you.
  6. Lean-to porch Another popular oak porch kit for those hard-to-fit places, this angular lean-to roof is perfect for spots with limited installation depth.
  7. High brick plinth porch Is drama your thing? Then you are sure to love this meaty statement porch.
  8. Floor and wall mounted porch This is a clean, neat option for those with paths around their home, or newer constructions that require special care.
  9. Low brick plinth with balustrade A simple, clean porch style that shines no matter where you put it.

Will my oak porch need planning permission?

There is nothing quite as heartbreaking as carefully planning a development, then having the crown step in with a host of difficult-to-read rules about what you can and cannot do with your own home. The good news is that outbuildings are generally exempt from the need to apply for planning permission. Obviously, you want to avoid adding them on land forward of the wall, need to keep them under 1 storey (4 meters), or 2.5m if they are near your boundary, and stay away from the curtilage if you are dealing with a listed building. There is also a general rule of thumb that no more than half of your land can be converted with outbuildings. If you do want to check if any specific conditions apply to you, however, you are always welcome to seek clarity from your local council.

Drab to fab has never been easier than with these curb-vale boosting oak porch kits. If you are looking for the oak porch suppliers who can take your dreams and make them a stunning reality, look no further than Oak Porches UK. Whatever the weather may bring, your home will shine and your heart will be happy.